My Garden Today
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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Master Gardener Training Begins!

With great excitement and anticipation I recently began Master Gardener Training in Orange County, California!  Many Master Gardener programs, including Orange County's, have waiting lists and often more interested applicants than available spaces. My class consists of 45 Master Gardeners In Training (MGITs) of varying ages and walks of life. Get more information on Master Gardeners here:

Our Botany Lab class was held at The Huntington Botanical Garden.  What a wonderful way to spend a winter's day!  The world-renowned Desert Garden was a boggling mix of undersea shapes in galactic sizes.  Seeing a fully mature cactus and succulent garden was a treat and a long way from the tiny pots of cacti and succulents I'm used to seeing at the nursery.

We wandered the garden prior to class, before it opened to the general 

The Chinese Garden transport-ed me to a far away place as I strolled along the peaceful paths amid the bursting pink plum tree blossoms, elusive wisps of wood-smoke swirling in the air. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I 'm so envious of you! Glad you are doing a blog. I can't wait to follow and hear all about the program! It sounds wonderful.

    Miss you on Long Island! XO
